About Me

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In 2007, we started a ministry called NEAH (Not Even A Hint). Our Goal is to educate and encourage girls with God's truth. We provided what we liked to call 'NEAH events' for anyone who is interested. Through skits, music, fellowship, and lessons, we dive into what the Bible really says about purity. We tackled hard to talk about issues and shared our stories. Seeking the heart of God is such a joy. Now I am a speaker at Woman's events and I speak to girls of all ages. I still pull in the old team members and we are still loving the Lord. I also Speak at schools, small groups and churches. I can bring team members with me. If interested just send me a email. ~Seeking the heart of God~

Friday, July 6, 2012

How cool if we would Help and not hurt.

Why are we not trying to help our brothers out?????

Lately my heart has been heavy for collage age students who have claimed to have a faith but dont seek to help each other out in this culture of lies.  As followers of Christ we should be seeking Gods word to lead us in all things and seeking to live in a way that will encourage each other to do the same.

 I know a group of boys that had the courage to share that some of the newest clothing trends(yoga pants) really made it hard for them.  This trend in clothing style is not a modest look, I hope we all can see this truth, but a very comfortable trend I do understand this..  Please hear my heart, i don't think these are the root of all evil but these boys had the courage to be honest about this.  WOW! Unfortunately their sharing of this truth did them no good on their campus.  Girls were insensitive to this struggle and even ridiculed the boys who were asking for help.  This should not be!

I don't know about you but I just think that if someone has the courage to bring to light a truth that is hurting them, we should at least take the time to pray about it get some counsel from wise Bible believing mentors and be willing to sacrifice for the good of others.  Instead we often dismiss when our brothers in Christ are honest with us.  This is not the only situation like this I have come across just one of the many times I have heard of Boys having great courage to be real with their sisters and we just dismiss them because we don't understand or we feel angry because they are imposing on our rights.

This breaks my heart.  I know their are so many things that happen like this in both directions.  Girls having the courage to share things and boys not considering their part  or willing to protect the girls also.  My point in writing this isn't to tell you what to wear or that all girls are jerks.  I am a girl.

 My hope is that this will spur you on to love your brothers that are in a spiritual battle along side of us.  To love them in such a way we are helping and not hurting their walk.  If we can be aware of the things that are hard for them, and seek to honor our Lord in the way we dress and help out our guys (and I am here to tell you boys tells me all the time modesty is one of the best things we can do to help them our in todays culture) why would we not do this? Ladies let us be the difference.  Let us pray for the boys in our communities and dress in away that helps them.  How cool would that be?

As a mother of a young man and a spiritual mother to many young men I write this to girls who claim to be followers of Christ.  Please lets take this serious so we can put the needs of others above our own.  Let us love our neighbors as ourselves and do the good we know we ought to.  Let us not have even a hint of what would cause others to stumble in our lives for the good of the body of Christ.  Let us be set apart in the way we dress, talk, serve, and go about our daily lives to honor the king so that others may have nothing poor to say about us.

Loving the Lords protection and guidance in truth with action.

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