I have the privilege of teaching this week at High School Ignite. The lesson is on "The Call".
I have loved loved loved preparing for this all week. I have written four lessons on this one lesson. Tomorrow I get to choose one of the four. I know this seems crazy but there is so much to think about when we approach this topic, "The Call". I love it all! I want to share with you the main things this brings to my mind when I think about this topic.
A little background on what “The Call” is. In simple terms it is for me, “The call on our life to serve the one and only true God of the universe, when we come to know His truth of Jesus and how that brings us back to God". Go and share the good news of the Gospel with the world.
In order to do this we must first be called. The cool thing is, this is no ordinary call. This is a summon from the Kings of Kings, an invitation to know Him and be reconciled to Him through Jesus.
WOW! The one and only God of the universe has called me to Him. Do you have any idea how big the universe is? Well let’s start with a little perspective. We live in a little galaxy called the milky way. It measures around 100,000 light years from end to end. So that means if you could travel at the speed of light you could go from one end of our galaxy to the other in 100,000 years (just a little day trip). Our galaxy is thought to have over 500 billion stars in it. And here’s the kicker our small galaxy is one of billions of galaxies. Yes, one of billions. That is so big people! Are you getting this? Huge! Unimaginable!
So in the Bible when it talks about God creating the heavens by the breath of his mouth, that is impressive. This planet and star breathing God is the same God who is calling on us.
This explains why when people hear the word of the Lord they tremble. When Paul met the Lord Jesus on the way to Damascus it changed everything about his life. You can read this story in Acts 9. He went from trying to kill followers of the way to leading the way! This is what happens when you meet the Lord. Well this is what happened for me anyway. It changed everything!
That is because the truth of God and His good news about Jesus can’t NOT change you. When God calls us to Him through Christ our eyes and our ears and our hearts are turned to His truth and we are healed. Because of this great healing our lives have different priorities.
If you desire to know a kind of truth, that in the middle of the crazy challenges of our culture today, that can actually inspire you, give you a firm foundation of truth in a world of deception, bring healing to your broken heart, and a relationship like nothing you have ever known, then you should listen to the words of Jesus of Nazareth. Know the caller! You can read about him in the Bible. I suggest starting with John. No matter who you are, what you have done, where you live, the call is for you!
Try it out!
End of part one, I am praying for you!
Part 2 is soon to follow, sorry I write so crazy.
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