I once read somewhere this really wonderful statement that I often say to any girl who will listen.
If you don't know what you stand for, you will fall for anything!
Let me say this again,
If you don't know what you stand for, you will fall for anything!
The reason I think this is such a powerful statement is because I continue to meet with girls who fall for foolish things that they thought they would never fall for. Not only do they fall for it, they are injured by it. Why is this I ask? It has to be because they are not prepared to fight for what they believe. It is easy to say we believe something but it is another to put it to the test.
Example, conversation with a Christian girl -
Tally: What do you believe about God?
Girl: I believe God's word is true and that He sent His son Jesus to die for me. I believe He has a plan.
Tally: Do you seek God's word to guide you in your life?
Girl: I think so. I try
Tally: What do you mean you try? If you believe it's true and you know he has a plan why would you just try?
(That is like me saying to someone well when I have to go somewhere I try to drive. I know some of the laws and I watched some people do it and read a little of the drivers manual and I believe in driving. I didn't want to ask for help or study cause that is hard and confusing, and I am pretty sure I can do it so I will try to drive and see how it turns out.)
Trust me it turns out bad if this is how you do things.
Saying that you are trying is a cop out. You have to know what you believe and know how to stand for truth or you will end up crashing into all kinds of things and wondering why you are so injured. And you will feel bad because you injured others along the road.
The world can be very confusing. Satan is very real and working hard to keep you from loving the Lord with all your heart and all you can say is your trying…? How about training? Train and study and seek the Lord. This way you are prepared to fight the good fight. If you can't recognize a lie for what it is you will believe it. That is a very dangerous place to be!
There are a few commercials out now that are so full of lies and we don't even realize what messages they are sending because we don't know what God’s word says.
Trojan has a commercial out that is suggesting to woman that if you want a mind blowing experience the answer is in a vibrator. Let's look at the message this is sending us.
Well this message makes us think masturbation is harmless. It makes us think that every lady is masturbating and you don’t need a man for sex. It promotes self-gratification and whatever a mind-blowing experience is supposed to be. Many of us watch this and start to believe because we don't see the lies.
Media in general is something we take in all day long and never question, “what is this feeding me?” Why are we not taking the time to think about all the lies and junk we are putting into our bodies? Because we like the junk…we like to be entertained and experience feelings and dream. Soap operas and the many prime time shows are feeding you lies. They desensitize you and you don't even care because you like it!
God's word tells us to flee from sexual immorality not tuning into it every chance you get. He tells us put on the armor of God so that we can be prepared, not turn on anything so you can be fed lies. All these things that we are watching and listening to and doing keep us from hearing the truth. You are what you watch and read. Think about the time you spend watching and reading...now think about how much of that is positive and lifting up God's values and His standard and reminding you of His ways.
It's really hard to not be confused when you claim one thing, but listen to the enemy about everything. The thing is my heart breaks for this life style. Because you end up on the side of the road broken and bruised and many times you could have avoided the pain.
Romans 12 has some great advice for us. It urges us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to God. It urges us to do this because of His great mercy. It tells us not to conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but to be transformed by renewing our mind. Then we will be able to know what God's will is for us. His perfect and pleasing will.
I want to end this by asking you…what are you offering your body to? What are you thinking about and renewing your mind with each day? What are the lies you are falling for? How are you spending your time?
This is important.
So whether you eat, drink, whatever you do....do it all for the glory of God. Do not cause anyone to stumble. Follow the example of Christ. God's word is the truth; please take the time to let Him lead you.
Seeking The Heart of God,
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