About Me

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In 2007, we started a ministry called NEAH (Not Even A Hint). Our Goal is to educate and encourage girls with God's truth. We provided what we liked to call 'NEAH events' for anyone who is interested. Through skits, music, fellowship, and lessons, we dive into what the Bible really says about purity. We tackled hard to talk about issues and shared our stories. Seeking the heart of God is such a joy. Now I am a speaker at Woman's events and I speak to girls of all ages. I still pull in the old team members and we are still loving the Lord. I also Speak at schools, small groups and churches. I can bring team members with me. If interested just send me a email. ~Seeking the heart of God~

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Eyes to See, Ears to Hear

At our REAL event we talked about how in the book of Isaiah, when Isaiah came into the presence of the Lord it changed the way Isaiah lived his life out. God called Isaiah as a prophet and the Lord told him the people would listen, but not learn the lesson because their hearts had become hard. They had turned away from God and never repented of this.

God's mercy never changes. In verse 10 of Isaiah 6 it tells us how if the people would see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their hearts, they would turn and be healed. You see if they would really take the time to see who the Lord is and let Him change their hearts from the worthless things of the world, they would understand and in turn be healed.

 I love this! This is how we are. We are ever hearing, but never understanding. The truth doesn't change us or produce a crop in us because we are worried about ourselves. We don't turn and allow ourselves to be healed. We are bad soil!

In Luke chapter 8, Jesus tells us the same thing in the parable of the four soils.  Jesus even quotes Isaiah in this chapter about how even though they had eyes to see and ears to hear they would not see, hear, or understand.

What kind of soil are you? If you haven't read Luke chapter 8 in awhile you should go read it right now.  I know that is a lot of work. We are so lazy but you don't even have to get up from your computer. You can go to biblegateway.com and just look up the chapter and read right where you are.  Okay, so assuming you're not a total sloth and you read that, I ask what kind of soil are you?

Really, if the seed is the word of God, what kind of soil are you?

Do you receive His word with joy? And then because there is no root, when times of testing come you fall away?  Or do the worries of life, riches, and pleasures keep you from maturing? Have you heard the word and let your heart be open to God's truth and repent it, retain it, and produce a crop that came from the seed in you?

Luke 8:16
"No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under the bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.

If we call ourselves Christians and don't shine the light there is no difference in us. Why would the world want what you have if you have not let God's truth change everything about you and let his healing be yours. When you hear and see the Lord and turn to him it not only changes you but it makes you want to share that with others.

Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear?
Is your heart open to understanding God's truth?

Seeking the Heart of God

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