About Me

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In 2007, we started a ministry called NEAH (Not Even A Hint). Our Goal is to educate and encourage girls with God's truth. We provided what we liked to call 'NEAH events' for anyone who is interested. Through skits, music, fellowship, and lessons, we dive into what the Bible really says about purity. We tackled hard to talk about issues and shared our stories. Seeking the heart of God is such a joy. Now I am a speaker at Woman's events and I speak to girls of all ages. I still pull in the old team members and we are still loving the Lord. I also Speak at schools, small groups and churches. I can bring team members with me. If interested just send me a email. ~Seeking the heart of God~

Friday, December 31, 2010

New years eve, Let us wage war against sin

This Morning I was listening to one of my favorite radio shows "Revive our hearts" with Nancy Leigh Demoss.  She was talking about the focus of our hearts.  How when we give into complaints and business we are unproductive and overwhelmed with the things of the world.  What a great reminder for us to go into this New year focusing on the most important thing.  Jesus Christ and the Cross.   Nothing less.
This is the daily devo from today from Revive our hearts website.  I thought It was brilliant and all about Purity of the Heart.

Nancy Leigh DeMoss: It’s the season for making New Year’s resolutions. Listen to one of Jonathan Edwards’ resolutions.
“Resolved, never to give over, nor in the least to slacken in my fight with my corruptions, however unsuccessful I may be.”
Nancy: While we’re thinking about resolutions for better diet and exercise, Edwards’
]resolution may seem a little quaint. He was resolving never to give up in the fight against sin. And that’s an important resolution!
He knew there were temptations in his life that had a stronger grip than others. I’m the same way. There are sins I’ve struggled with for years. Edwards refused to get used to those besetting sins. He was resolved to wage relentless warfare against sin by the power of God’s Spirit.
Why not consider making that your resolution this year?
With Seeking Him, I’m Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

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