I love the song lauren and heather put on the blog. Thank you to both of you girls. I can't help but think there are more girls than I can imagine that feel like they are suffering.
The song talks about how if we take off your mask and let him come in, he can stitch up our hearts and we can find rest in Him. This is so true. Only when we are being authentic and real with the world around us, and about where our heart is and the things that we value can others see what we need from them. When we wear a mask and pretend in only keeps us in bondage to the mask.
I have a dear friend who is struggling with friends right now. Me being one of the friends she struggles with. The problem is I am so different from her. We are all created in the image of God but we are all so very different. We need to to off our masks with one another and share truth in love. Then we can know each others needs. God tells us to seek first his kingdom. He says one of the greatest things we can do is love others. Our culture is so counter to Gods kingdom. It is all about self. We are spoiled and selfish to a gross extent.
The challenge to put the other persons needs above our own is not a easy one. It is the one way that we show Gods love to the world around us though. For me this is very clear especially this time of year how the culture feeds selfishness. The question is asked over and over what do you want for Christmas? Wow when did it become about what we want? Why isn't it about what we can give to others? In this I don't mean material possessions. I mean why are we not looking to what people really need and be that for them. Sure it is wonderful to get gifts, some of us actually adopt and family and provide gifts for others that cant afford to buy gifs. But even in that it is about gifts. What about the truth of Gods love. How are we sharing this with the hurting world around us. For me I am been reminded that I need to look to the real needs of others and be real in loving them.
I am pretty sure all the girls that are struggling today need more than a material gift placed in there arms. They need to know the love of Christ. We need to be sharing the love and healing he has given us to the world. That is the greatest gift ever.
He will be great and will be called the son of the Most High. Christ the Lord came down to live among us and set us free from our sin.
About Me

- Tally
- In 2007, we started a ministry called NEAH (Not Even A Hint). Our Goal is to educate and encourage girls with God's truth. We provided what we liked to call 'NEAH events' for anyone who is interested. Through skits, music, fellowship, and lessons, we dive into what the Bible really says about purity. We tackled hard to talk about issues and shared our stories. Seeking the heart of God is such a joy. Now I am a speaker at Woman's events and I speak to girls of all ages. I still pull in the old team members and we are still loving the Lord. I also Speak at schools, small groups and churches. I can bring team members with me. If interested just send me a email. ~Seeking the heart of God~
Tal, I love this. This blog reminds me of yesterday when I was driving, I always do my best thinking while driving. Anyways, I was thinking about the verse Ephesians 5:3 which says "Therefore, do not even have a hint of sexual immorality, impurity, or of greed, for these are improper for God's holy (set apart) people." If God says He is the creator of love and that only through Him can we find true love, why does he say not to even have a hint? I had a REVELATION about this verse. Here's the story. I was speading while driving on the highway and was feeling convicted the whole time I was speeding. All I wanted was to get where I was going as quickly as possible. I thought that getting to this place would be the best thing for me. So, I was going to get there as fast as I could. I was looking in my review mirror and saw the Ephesians 5:3 sticker stuck smack dab in the middle of my back window. This is what really brought this verse into my mind. I DID NOT want to stop speeding. I wanted so badly just to drive 5 miles over the speed limit. But, I decided to slow down. I was so busy ramming my head into a brick wall (me thinking that driving 5 miles over the speed limit would satisfy me) that I couldn't even see that the other direction that God was calling me to was going to be the direction with the most freedom. He wanted me to stop speeding so that I wouldn't even go AT ALL in the direction of sin, but that I would go in the complete opposite direction towards Him. You know, I wish I could explain the peace that washed over me, but there is no way to form that feeling into words. I was able to enjoy the sunset, and worship Him. I no longer was running into this hard, stubborn brick wall that I was hitting my stubborn head on because I was speeding. But, I got to experience and partake in who God was instead. Wow. He wants us not to even have a hint of greed (me wanting what I WANT) because he wants us to go in the opposite direction-the direction that allows us to freely worship and learn and grow in who God is. I thought this might help out some the ladies that will read this blog. If you want healing, which direction are you running in? The one that is blocked by a painful, overwhelming, impossible brick wall or the direction of absolute freedom. Much love my lovely sisters. P.S. TRUE freedom is a lovely thing and it is ONLY found when you allow Him to have complete control, even control over driving the speed limit. ;)
ReplyDeleteI needed that....thank you dear friend